Crioner Co Invent
Febuary 15, 2025 by Christopher g Brown
Untitled Document
Crioner Co. 2001. Quantum Qubit
Chip-lets Group on chip board socket © 2025 chris brown
Series of Qubit chips on a board for greater functionality and reference
vectors in a calculated measurement to include time and massive accelerated
parallels coding as a means to conclude calculated responses.
[ABSTRACT] to mix and pair chips to another chip
on a socket or board to function together and with one another in a means to
accelerate in code, transistors, and computations as well as work in a very
small place shape and form. With the quantum qubit and cubit means of many
chips together.
a. large chip is surrounded by many small chips to render or
compute as a vector.
b. a small chip is surrounded by many large chips to compute
or render in a function.
c. very large chips are grouped into many to perform as one.
d. small chips are grouped to many together as one.
e. few large few small and mixed proportions of sizes to
accommodate the processing functions of compute.
Claim Description
Many quantum chips in a cubit/qubit parameter to length and
scale out into many forms of vectors on one chip and one board as one unit.
Inventor Name: Chris G Brown
Inventor Domicile: USA 1341 Wellington cove, Lawrenceville
GA 30043-5255
Crioner Co. 2002. Attempts at a
Conclusion © 2025 chris brown
Conclusions in criminal attempt to portray an illegal action in a court of law.
This is the process to breach an oath and to counter sue to attempt a privilege
of law in order to gain a positive or negative out come on a defendant and or
[ABSTRACT] to pursue rights of any kind of
privilege over an un-justified reason is against the law and is an attempt to
conclude the negative for negative sake. In substance to say that over
saturated law may be a reason to conclude dismissal. Meaning the seeds of law
are not broken easily for wrongful attempts.
a. to sue on a basis of un-justified loss over un-justified
loss is a negative conclusion and may lead to judgmental dismiss.
b. I believe to follow suit for no loss or gain in terms of
reason is a crime. And should be fined considered, at the same character a due
c. Intentions are to keep courts valuable and true as a
resilient form of law. As to oppose a waste court.
Claim Description
To make a formal law that states that, if pursued on a term
of un-justice there will be a fine for such an occurrence.
Inventor Name: Chris G Brown
Inventor Domicile: USA 1341 Wellington cove, Lawrenceville
GA 30043-5255
Deposition 2003 by Christopher g brown
11/23/2024 9:35:12 AM
Christopher G Brown
1341 Wellington cove
Lawrenceville GA. 30043-5255
United States of America
Deposition title: About MONEY
Summary: Business isn’t all about money but at the same time
it is only about money
Short: Contrary to prediction and dedication. This is my
perspective as a home edge user with a superficial knowledge of technology.
i. About conservativism in
ii. About intel and their forward backward
iii. About hpe and a reverse dl360
gen 0
iv. About my xeon phi coprocessor
v. About my autophi runtime code
vi. Last Truth about history any Bitcoin disaster
Here goes my exclusive technology deposition for HPE on this
day in the last quarter of 2024.
I have
bought many dl580 gen8-10-and skipped gen9. I have bought many dl380 gen8-9-10. I have bought many ml350 gen-10 and currently own a dl360 gen-10. Mysterious ways to populate these are here to
be explained now.
The reason
for this purchase list is just cause of a brief history unfolding. There is a market in ebay for lost and homeless servers. I love ebay… I don’t think with out ebay I could own anything you sell at any means.
Never-The-Less moving forward.
The pre
covid and pre intel skipped 14-12-8-nano measures in xeon scale is what I am first addressing. So just to throw it out into the open is
to say that intel skipped a generation increase in technology and in my opinion
made a good decision. Why,? Let me explain.
When you
look at the stage right now, pat is at intel… WOW. Okay but let’s look at the
past… let’s do something special for pat. My experience in thermal radiation of
decay isn’t exact but long. The chips
aren’t recycled now… let’s say that gold is evaporating into the chips… but
let’s keep that recycled…
there’s my capital conservative nature. Let’s expose this into technology… OFF
topic, Kevin Leary should be sued for slander over the statement on Elon musk
saying, “he was a sicko’.” I can’t
explain that Trump will make America The Best EVER!
I think HPE
should make a dl360 over again in a desktop form for everyone and also keep the
dl360 in gen12 with the 3647 socket. Go safe Go Big Go
recycle Go Backwards compatible Go Conservative Go to Rescue Go Forward Go All
over the place and make it great!
Why, let me
explain in detail. Safe technology is
proven. Big is in business and big business is a software and data operational
“multiplied scaled out massive operation.” Meaning if you go Backwards in a forward manner then you save people
money and rescue at the same time.
I emailed
intel about a coprocessor and was thieved of this. I emailed about the intel quick assist under
a data accelerator an was thieved of this. Never the
less a submission is only as good as your word. And now I have made a retro single width full height heat sink for the xeon phi that isn’t perfect but works, fits and is for
The mission to
make parallel big again. The Autophi way.
© copyright 2024 Christoper G Brown
Another New
Year Coming
November 16,
2024 by Chris
After every
shortage there is a surplus. this is what the cycle of the business cycle is.
and if you ask me should happen next in the chip market. prices will drop and
solutions will over come the makers. meaning that
people will have new opportunities for advancement.
What goes
up must come down, I can imagine the possibilities.
Topic, same conclusion. I personally don't enjoy bitcoin but if it means
security then it should be challenged...
Securities need
to be Paper/and not Notes of Notes
A New security
is not always a good thing. Having notes of money and money of other money is a
domino effect just waiting to happen. Just because it's there doesn't mean it's worth money. all the banks know that worth is a up and
down thing including their own worth. building something that relies on other
things isn't good and as a matter of fact a probable issue in the making.
do research on
the history of the United States of America Monetary and Exchange laws and
legal terms of percents and notes. and you will find that there are laws on the
decimals of denominations.
With my kindest endearment
Christopher g Brown
+1 (770) 776-7023
Patents and Copyrights for sale at
Document Please insert the following section
heading on page 11, line 99:
by Chris g Brown
Why I invent, Buy copyrights and
pending patents at We are offering to settle on things that are
original and innovative in many different fields. such as artistic concepts
chemical compounds computational equations and summations counsel services
energy development governmental intuitions in capitalism hardware made from
people who use hardware medical inventions software design and a wide range of
technology. This is a description of text work and methodical products that
includes a written authorship of original intent to serialize the work in tow.
Please see the intent to explain my work. The work is started with a
chronological number of appearance and then the name of the registration and
then the deposition itself with copyrighted script and then the owner which is
myself only. Please accept my thanks for your work and time with my case. Our
intent is to sell legal and justified written copyrights and patents. what
makes our patents and copyrights worth money is the legal ownership and the
permanence of the meaning. the inventive nature is root and the overall
creative system here is the method that we accept as a reason for trade value.
Our inventor systematically creates original and conceptualizes depositions
that equal a real widget beyond only ideas and theories of interest. This
rudimentary tangible substance is the short of why we make our attempts at
capitalizing on any such product here in our store in our records and in our
repository. the essential nature of the invention and the trade of our creative
mission is the stores most valuable asset with you and our trust is the best we
provide. to see that our honesty and originality in a whole is the best there
is and from time to time we will organize our focus and narrow the exact
description in a sub entity. being a serial or registered mark of trade and
patented document.