Title, Crioner Co. 1991. American Dollar Blockchain
Revised blockchain inference numbered points of a value, is a revised proper Internet Loan Number generated by many internet protocol addresses. in another translation and process derived software as to, an IP and truncate many into one as a formula of a result, to clarify IP as a unique numerical label assigned to every device connected to the internet, then a truncated location into a formula that is decoded and transcoded by numbered points and references by “TETS OF A PERIOD, Generated by a Ping in IP”
- 1. [ABSTRACT] to incorporate the ownership of value to a place and bank discernable to paper. Derived from an encryption of currency into an unencrypted value acceptable to use as transfer of ownership and the use of re-encryption to currency to an unencrypted value again as a bank place and note of secured value.
a. Ip to talk to Ip 321.321.321.999 and tell the value and value from a bank blockchain of Ip address loans.
b. Security may be recovered/revoked/reissued by Ip and loan notes only by the federal government of the United States of America.
c. Intentions are to keep paper money valuable and secure the loan in a reliable and fixed or allowable method of value that is American Dollar.
Claim Description
To make a formal USA blockchain with pings and Ip calls. Called American Dollar Blockchain or verses in terms, to be non-refutable and National currency valued loans.
Inventor Name: Chris G Brown
Inventor Domicile: USA 1341 Wellington cove, Lawrenceville GA 30043-5255
Title, Crioner Co. 1992. American Information Rights
A Method of any PAST DATA, PRESENT DATA, or FUTURE DATA transcribed to another source legally permissible or illegally permissible is a term of these rights written here. To clarify or to falsify or miss align the data is a crime.
In ABSTRACT to end a means with out due course of law is a crime.
- 1. [ABSTRACT] In terms the data sold, gained or traded for value is against the rights of the individual and the option to exclude and evade or erase data is the right of a recorder. The Law Set of Writs in court of the United States of America Portray information as a record of event and any such altercation will be awarded to persecution of a Judge.
a. disturbed earth satellites and the lost people list of missing persons
b. Information in Tense Past Present or To Be Displayed after. history, information received and information length, information blocked, information forward, information stored, and any record therefore accordance of guilty by association pursuance.
c. a Kangaroo court system in New York counterfeit to laws given, misused and adjusted the information for a purpose.
Claim Description
Secured Information Right is the sold or given data to anyone who may be used for a privileged purpose as security of intent to proclaim justice or gain from the information applied. to falsify and adjust the information with malice is a crime.
Inventor Name: Chris G Brown
Inventor Domicile: USA 1341 Wellington cove, Lawrenceville GA 30043-5255
Copyright (C) 2025 Christopher g Brown Crioner Co © 2025
Title, Crioner Co. 1993. American Law Archive
Revised Historical Library of intent to record the ruled and unruled out come of any such case of ruling in a United States of America Court and system of law. A History of judgements that tells people of today that the consequences/ outcomes of yesterday officially as a searchable record for the public.
- 1. [ABSTRACT] To give a recorded history as reference of formality into the future today and tomorrow. This judge was right, this judge was wrong, how many times and the sequential information, traits of trials, and traits of the ruled convictions and acquitted nature.
a. an archive of laws rulings and cases of legal pursuant for people to be Poetic and Just for all.
b. to pay, appeal, and fine (from or to) rules of government In the United States of America.
c. Intentions are to decipher and uncoded the rhetoric legal battle by past tense articles that conclude information to new answers.
Claim Description
To make a record of cases searchable and accountable as an archive true to historical value and the intake of new and now valuable nature of instance in laws across the United States of America. Access may be assumed by account bar and law state.
Inventor Name: Chris G Brown
Inventor Domicile: USA 1341 Wellington cove, Lawrenceville GA 30043-5255
Copyright (C) 2025 Christopher g Brown Crioner Co © 2025
Title, Crioner Co. 1994 Ai Endangerments
The wherein law that says that, “artificial intelligence {software personification, machine personification} shall not endanger and interrupt the lives of Humans. In terms of humanity and the consumption of generosity as a leeway into the human nature shall weight more than any other animal of life. The unborn human is also a considerable source for protection and absolute nature of life itself.”
- 1. [ABSTRACT] to differentiate the weighted value of humans higher than all other machines/software/applications/codes/data/algorithms.
- a. A robot kills my child. I detach operations of the robot without consequences.
- b. A robot drone files into my house and it catches fire. I get a new house.
- c. The software has taken all my money and given it to a dishonest person. After a report and conclusion from a law outcome, then I can have my money back for code of conduct.
- d. A person told a robot to harm someone then I get a retraction based on a proper conclusion by law sentence.
- e. A algorithm is making phone calls based on the data shared from advertising online, I then am harmed and so I deserve payment.
Claim Description
To make a formal difference of Human life verses machine or learning machines less than and not equal to each. With the advancement of Human Life.
Inventor Name: Chris G Brown
Inventor Domicile: USA 1341 Wellington cove, Lawrenceville GA 30043-5255
Copyright (C) 2025 Christopher g Brown Crioner Co © 2025