Search - simple
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46 simple est is a solar cell phone re charger my …
46 simple est is a solar cell phone re charger my airplane crashed and let s say i m stranded who would i call first solar cell phone re charger copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christoph..
$7,594.80 Ex Tax: $6,329.00
91 simple complex abstract intent to reflect proce…
91 simple complex abstract intent to reflect process and redirect. the essence of ion and light inside a working electronic or iontronic machine copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christoph..
$7,237.20 Ex Tax: $6,031.00
176 feedback note simple feed back form from micro…
176 feedback note simple feed back form from microsoft office 2003 that wanted more vector and less bitmap in the os the things that are happening with css are incredible copyright © 2017 christopher ..
$10,341.60 Ex Tax: $8,618.00
196 a simple dividing trigger for electronic and d…
196 a simple dividing trigger for electronic and dividing transistors inside a circuit path. copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christopher g brown 3366 2565 createspace independent publish..
$10,029.60 Ex Tax: $8,358.00
825 super simple small push button with microphone…
825 super simple small push button with microphone and speaker working with voice command and no touch screen cell phone hardware to sd to no sd copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christophe..
$10,339.20 Ex Tax: $8,616.00
826 super simple small push button microphone spea…
826 super simple small push button microphone speaker voice command phone operating system that is network and web inclusive copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christopher g brown 2736 captu..
$7,960.80 Ex Tax: $6,634.00
1215 a simple beat and pulse of operating code tha…
1215 a simple beat and pulse of operating code that transforms any such sequence of in and out for a unified measurement of any such arranged pulse of computations copyright (c) 2017 christopher gabri..
$8,551.20 Ex Tax: $7,126.00
1216 hyper multi directional threading is a simple…
1216 hyper multi directional threading is a simple beat and pulse of operating code that transforms any such sequence of in and out for a unified measurement of any such arranged pulse of computations..
$10,828.80 Ex Tax: $9,024.00
1386 search into systems is a simple search engine…
1386 search into systems is a simple search engine that searches by tunnel and hidden internet protocol in the specified system with results on a different page patent christopher g brown 2176 captur..
$6,990.00 Ex Tax: $5,825.00
1387 paid search into systems is a simple search e…
1387 paid search into systems is a simple search engine that searches by tunnel and hidden internet protocol into the specified system with paid results on a different page copyright (c) 2018 christop..
$7,399.20 Ex Tax: $6,166.00
1388 paid search into systems network is a simple …
1388 paid search into systems network is a simple search engine alliance that searches by tunnel and hidden internet protocol in the specified system with paid results on a different page copyright (c..
$8,390.40 Ex Tax: $6,992.00
1422 hope for the wire bound is a simple word for …
1422 hope for the wire bound is a simple word for the transient of wireless driven things of the internet and the data center for a smaller more complex driven form of one os per many devices meaning ..
$7,501.20 Ex Tax: $6,251.00
1428 server over a system is a simple configuratio…
1428 server over a system is a simple configuration of one server per many parts and many redundant parts per many systems copyright (c) 2018 christopher gabriel brown patent christopher g brown 2134..
$9,332.40 Ex Tax: $7,777.00
1446 magnetic optical processor is a simple name f…
1446 magnetic optical processor is a simple name for the magnetic cubit optical media circuit written chip that is bound by optical processing language and is the binary equal to central processing un..
$7,972.80 Ex Tax: $6,644.00
1447 magnetic object written chip is a simple name…
1447 magnetic object written chip is a simple name for the magnetic cubit optically written chip that is bound by a processing language and is the binary equal to central processing unit code of cubit..
$11,310.00 Ex Tax: $9,425.00
1448 optically written magnetic object is a simple…
1448 optically written magnetic object is a simple name for the laser written optically printed chip as an circuit processor as opposed to a diffused optically printed chip copyright (c) 2018 christop..
$7,897.20 Ex Tax: $6,581.00
1449 optically written object blank is a simple na…
1449 optically written object blank is a simple name for the laser written optically printed chip blank similar to a optical media disc as an circuit processor as opposed to a diffused optically print..
$9,795.60 Ex Tax: $8,163.00
1505 bureau of lawyer investigation is a simple in…
1505 bureau of lawyer investigation is a simple investigation to condone or condemn the laws by a specific lawyer copyright (c) christopher g brown 2018 patent christopher g brown 2057 capture1505 ch..
$9,180.00 Ex Tax: $7,650.00
1549 hard drive readout is a simple lcd or led rea…
1549 hard drive readout is a simple lcd or led read out of status on hard drive functionality copyright (c) christopher gabriel brown 2018 patent christopher g brown 3567 15days-2019_page_1549 christ..
$8,066.40 Ex Tax: $6,722.00
1550 memory led readout is a simple lcd or led rea…
1550 memory led readout is a simple lcd or led read out of status on hard drive functionality copyright (c) christopher gabriel brown 2018 patent christopher g brown 3568 15days-2019_page_1550 christ..
$10,150.80 Ex Tax: $8,459.00
1552 gpu readout is a simple lcd or led read out o…
1552 gpu readout is a simple lcd or led read out of status on gpu for reference functionality copyright (c) christopher gabriel brown 2018 patent christopher g brown 3570 capture1552 christopher g br..
$8,308.80 Ex Tax: $6,924.00