Search - recycle
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130 recycled nuclear waste copyright © 2017 christ…
130 recycled nuclear waste copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christopher g brown 3432 2899 createspace independent publishing platform (july 26, 2013) isbn-13: 978-1491202777..
$6,304.80 Ex Tax: $5,254.00
545 inverted gas sorting and reclaiming recycled i…
545 inverted gas sorting and reclaiming recycled incineration gasses by way of catalytic converter and gas humidifier for or only with a unique dry or paste wet solvent clay and the processes that mak..
$7,459.20 Ex Tax: $6,216.00
631 a large recycled battery pool that makes other…
631 a large recycled battery pool that makes other small batteries with less time and higher concentrations of elements - rechargeable battery plant that has automated chemical pool recharging and sen..
$6,100.80 Ex Tax: $5,084.00
658 recycle disassemble line arrangement speed ver…
658 recycle disassemble line arrangement speed verses reuse properties copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christopher g brown 2904 capture658 last modified on march 28, 2020 isbn-13: 978-17..
$8,586.00 Ex Tax: $7,155.00
659 recycle disassemble line arrangement shred and…
659 recycle disassemble line arrangement shred and sort compact and incinerate and then sort and compact and re manufactured soot and gasses separated to weight and composite copyright © 2017 christop..
$9,855.60 Ex Tax: $8,213.00
660 landfill recycle mining and dis-assembly starc…
660 landfill recycle mining and dis-assembly starch and carbon line arrangement is a property of known practices that still a recycle tanner into a this is all we work with working with itself and rew..
$8,491.20 Ex Tax: $7,076.00
661 recycle and cycle gas liquid and gas separated…
661 recycle and cycle gas liquid and gas separated mining and dis-assembly to capture material on a settle absolute table weight process take and rest into a sedimentary weight of stagnation and aggre..
$10,995.60 Ex Tax: $9,163.00
662 recycle and cycle solid metal and solid minera…
662 recycle and cycle solid metal and solid mineral mining and dis-assembly to capture material on a settle absolute table weight process take and rest into a sedimentary weight of stagnation and aggr..
$9,519.60 Ex Tax: $7,933.00
759 air recovery recycle particulate stations with…
759 air recovery recycle particulate stations with environmental specified control and air improvement abilities is an air recovery station that inhales polluted air and recycles that air to a percent..
$9,570.00 Ex Tax: $7,975.00
866 cycle recycle battery generators that generate…
866 cycle recycle battery generators that generate power by rolling and keep it in an on board cell for keeping and use copyright © 2017 christopher g brown patent christopher g brown 2696 capture866..
$9,924.00 Ex Tax: $8,270.00
877 making electricity by using a recycle electric…
877 making electricity by using a recycle electric motor in a combination of pi and a combined fractal percentage of operation to work with things that are in motion to re generate electricity copyrig..
$10,687.20 Ex Tax: $8,906.00
922 global recycles market exchange and welfare fo…
922 global recycles market exchange and welfare for the environment is a monetary substance recycle exchange for the world of today tomorrow and the future and exchange of solids starches gases and mo..
$6,736.80 Ex Tax: $5,614.00
1105 wind mill and the recycle electric generator …
1105 wind mill and the recycle electric generator that provides a push to any such greater movement to be accompanied by a multiplied series of passing engines and coils copyright (c) 2017 christopher..
$9,544.80 Ex Tax: $7,954.00
1630 manufacturer electric motor recycle programs …
1630 manufacturer electric motor recycle programs and incentives for autos and parts reclamation copyright © christopher g brown 2019 patent christopher g brown 3648 capture3136 christopher g brown s..
$7,844.40 Ex Tax: $6,537.00
1658 solar recycle center is a place that magnify …
1658 solar recycle center is a place that magnify and amplify the process of making electricity with the mention of reflective focus and light combined in an energy spent verses the energy obtained is..
$6,082.80 Ex Tax: $5,069.00
1683 clay building bricks recycled to resolve ph b…
1683 clay building bricks recycled to resolve ph balance in lead heavy ground as a counter product in a process of saturation copyright © 2019 christopher gabriel brown patent abstract utility patent..
$9,478.80 Ex Tax: $7,899.00
1790 Cycle Recycle Battery Generators That Generate Power By Rolling And Keep It In An On Board Cell
Cycle recycle battery generators that generate power by rolling and keep it in an on board cell for keeping and use copyright © 2023 christopher g brown..
$7,750.80 Ex Tax: $6,459.00
1800 Hardware Built To Compromise The Energy Of A Force And Generate A Recycled Electricity By Makin
Hardware built to compromise the energy of a force and generate a recycled electricity by making a circuit working on top of a previously expended torque for example a wheel with electromagnets stimul..
$9,758.40 Ex Tax: $8,132.00
1801 To Use A Software To Engineer A Circuit Driven Computational Fractal Energy And Recycled Electr
To use a software to engineer a circuit driven computational fractal energy and recycled electricity by commutative exciter paths simple z = z^ + c to generate electricity copyright © 2023 christopher..
$10,272.00 Ex Tax: $8,560.00
1802 Making Electricity By Using A Recycle Electric Motor In A Combination Of Pi And A Combined Frac
Making electricity by using a recycle electric motor in a combination of pi and a combined fractal percentage of operation to work with things that are in motion to re generate electricity copyright ©..
$6,058.80 Ex Tax: $5,049.00
1803 Using An Exciter Or Multiple Exciters As Well As Making Electricity By Using A Recycle Electric
Using an exciter or multiple exciters as well as making electricity by using a recycle electric motor in a combination of pi and a combined fractal percentage of operation to work with things that are..
$8,108.40 Ex Tax: $6,757.00